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Types and generations of computers

Computer Concept

A computer is defined as an electronic device that performs several functions, the most important of which is to receive data and then process it, and then take it out as information to the user or recipient.


computer generations
Types and generations of computers

Note that the computer receives data and produces information. What is the difference between them? The data is what is entered into the computer to process it. The information is taken out of the computer after processing, i.e. the information is data processed by the computer. There are different forms and successive generations of the computer we will elaborate on this subject.


Stages of computer development

Continuous computer development aims to reach the best performance so that it is faster and less priced, and its storage is greater. It is also able to perform larger and more complex tasks give more accurate outputs and correct information and can perform more than one task at the same time and without any problems.


Before computers appeared, man was doing the computers himself and using old and rudimentary methods, and because of the need to solve complex computational issues the computer device was invented, the urgent need arose that led to the hacking of the first computer model by the British Alan Turing in World War II.


Computer development went through several stages and has evolved dramatically until it is now used in various fields such as health, education, business, communications, and other areas.

Generations of computers

The stages of development of the computer industry have been classified into five major generations of the computer industry. In each computer's generation, the computer has undergone several updates and developments until it has reached its current form and is still undergoing development. These generations are as follows:

First Generation (1951 - 1959)

This generation witnessed the emergence of the first computer in the world. The "vacuum dual valves" were used in the manufacture of this generation's computers. These valves had significant defects, including:

  • Big size.
  • Her weight is very heavy.
  • It's too slow.
  • Consume a high amount of energy.
  • Easy to break and crash.

After the emergence of this generation and because of the significant defects that accompanied it, the development journey of the computer began.


Second Generation (1959 - 1965)

With the advent of the second generation of the computer industry, a new technology, "transistor", has emerged as an alternative to vacuum binary valves. The transistor has great features such as:

The size of the transistor is small, whereas a first-generation vacuum diode can be replaced and approximately 200 transistors are installed in the same area, so the computers have been very small starting with this generation thanks to the invention of transistors.

  • Transistors consume very little energy.
  • The transistor is characterized by its speed which far exceeds the speed of the valves and thus has increased the speed of this generation's computers and can perform operations more quickly.
  • The heat emitted by the transistor is much lower than that emitted by the valves.

This generation's computer has evolved in terms of its small size, increased speed, and reduced energy consumption.


Third Generation (1965-1970)

In this generation, the "IC Integrated Circuit" technology, manufactured by silicon chips, first emerged, and this generation's computers relied on integrated circuit technology which made it smaller, faster, and less expensive. The integrated services were distinguished by:

  • Significantly lightweight.
  • Low cost.
  • Characterized by small space and lightweight

Despite the advantages of IC integrated circuits, it has several defects, most notably that it is irreparable in case of damage, and also its components cannot be separated from each other.


Fourth Generation (1970-1985)

This generation has witnessed a major revolution in the world of computer industry and development, with major updates to computer equipment as well as computer software. This generation's devices have been characterized by:

  • Modern integrated circuits have been used.
  • It has a small size and little cost and has been improved and greatly increased in speed, storage, and accuracy.
  • Computer-specific technologies such as RAM and ROM have emerged in this generation.

Updating and upgrading of computers continued until the 5th generation emerged.


the Generation (beyond 1985)

This gel has been one of the most sophisticated generations of computers, as the computers of this generation are characterized by their ability to deal with the human (user). Their capabilities have evolved remarkably and can understand the various inputs whether visible, written, or painted.


Computers in this generation have been characterized by their huge speeds, very large storage capacities, and their ability to handle various inputs no matter how complex they are.


Computer Types

After we have explained the stages of the evolution of computers and the generations that have passed through them, we will address the types of computers in this title, since many types of computers vary according to the mechanism of their operation, the method of use, or size. Computers are generally divided into three types according to the following:

  • Operating principle used.
  • Size.
  • Usage.


First: Computer types by type of operation method

Computers are divided according to operating principle into three main types:

Analog computers

Analog computers are computers designed to perform a particular task affected by changes or fluctuations in the levels of natural phenomena such as temperature, wind speed, or power intensity. This type of computer is used for scientific purposes such as solving complex equations as well as directing rockets and others.


Digital computers

They are computers that use digital circuits in their operation mechanism.


Hybrid computers

These are computers whose operating or operating principles are based on the confusion of digital computers with analog computers.



Second: Computer types by use

Computers are classified by method of use into the following types:

  • Desktop computers.
  • Laptop personal computers.
  • NoteBook.
  • supercomputers.
  • Tablets.
  • Servers.


III: Computer types by size

Computers are also classified by size into the following items:

  • Supercomputers.
  • supercomputers.
  • Medium-sized computers.
  • Microcomputers.
  • Workstations.
  • Control computers.

Computer Taska 

Computers perform several works, including:

  • Create different documents.
  • Financial auditing.
  • Conducting research, studies, statistics, and tables.
  • Dealing and working with numbers.
  • Data storage.
  • Organizing appointments.
  • Education.
  • Entertainment.
  • Social communication.
  • Making sales and purchases.
  • Graphics, designs, and image handling.
  • Multimedia operation.

The tasks that computers can perform have expanded and become very complex and enter the most accurate scientific, life, and professional details of man.



 Read Also: Computers Viruses 


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