What do you know about the industrial robot Sophia?

robot Sophia
 What do you know about the industrial robot Sophia?

Artificial Intelligence and Robots

We will talk about one of the most important AI robots that has exceptional capabilities as the first robot that has the capabilities of AI and can think, feel, and talk logically, quickly, and accurately, and the robot called "Sophia."


Who is Android Sophia?

The robot Sophia is a robot that first emerged in 2016 and is a major development in the field of making smart machines. The robot Sophia combines engineering, technology, science, and art. The robot Sophiaa is a human-like robot and human development embodies the capabilities of artificial intelligence and its promising future.

The Sophia artificial robot is an innovation, programming, and design company of Hanson Robotics in Hong Kong. This company specializes in the manufacture of advanced robotics and develops research and applications related to artificial intelligence.

What distinguishes a robot like humans "Sophia" is its complex composition, which gains its large specifications and capabilities that mimic the capabilities and interactions of humans. The robot "Sophia" is the first industrial robot in the world to obtain citizenship and the robot Sophia was recognized as a Saudi citizen.


What are the specifications and components of the robot Sophia?

The woolly robot consists of a complex overlap of a variety of sensitive materials that work together in harmony to create an integrated system that gives the robot Sophia amazing capabilities. There are structure specifications and technical and technical specifications that we will explain as follows:

First: Specifications for Sofia Robot Structure

The length of the robot Sophia is 167 centimeters, the width of the robot Sophia is about 41 centimeters, and its full weight is 20 kg, the face of the robot Sophia consists of one of the materials obtained


Patented, a substance called Flubber ", is a nanotechnological leather material that largely mimics human skin and the real muscles of man. This is when the robot Sophia gains the ability to simulate natural facial features and all its expressions.

The robot Sophia can have conversations and dialogues interact with people around it and make jokes what distinguishes the robot Sofia from the rest of the AI systems is that it has a lot of human-like features including having a robot Sofia for more than 200 facial expressions.

The brain of the robot Sophia, it operates cloud computing technology to analyze deep learning data so that the robot can process big social data that is collected as a result of interaction with the middle surrounding the robot, where the robot can communicate by eye with those around it, as well as recognize faces and also understand speech.


Second: Technical and technical specifications of robot Sophia

Robot Sophia has many complex and sensitive technical tools and equipment, illustrated as follows:

Sensor Devices:

  • Specialized wide-angle chest camera with 1080p resolution.
  • Intel RealSense Camera.
  • Two specialized cameras per 720 pixels high-resolution eye.
  • External USB microphone.
  • Angle sensors in the joint.
  • Touch sensors are in the fingers.
  • Sound localization kit.
  • IMU inertial measurement unit.

Movement Devices:

  • Head and face: Five Dynamix El XM430. Xpert servos 23 g servos.
  • Eyes: Two Hitec-type machines HS-65MG.
  • Neck: Control the neck movement of three Dynamix El XM430 devices.

Arms and Hands: Two Dynamixel MX64 machines, four Dynamix XM430 machines, and six Xpert multiples, two MKS machines per hand arm.

Power source: 110/220V power source or 24V lithium battery.

Sophia robot computing technologies: processors including Intel i7 processor at up to 3GHz with RAM up to 32MB and also a built-in GPU.

Software for robot Sophia: is an operating system of Ethernet - Ubuntu Linux OS - Wi-Fi.


How to Operate Android Sofia

There are numerous control systems in the Sophia robot and they are fully operational for the functioning of the Sophia robot, as there are programs for the schedule editor "Timeline Editor", as well as a very sophisticated chat system, a chat system that allows the robot Sophia to capture and analyze various words and phrases and then generate the right response, all of which is done at a very high speed, and all answers of the robot Sophia are based on experience and logic.


What are the main tasks of the Sophia robot?

The main tasks of the robot Sofia are in line with the tasks of the manufacturer Hanson Robotics to help and contribute to solving problems in the world, notably hunger, poverty, joblessness, wars, epidemics, and other disasters, by using and employing the techniques of artificial intelligence for robots.


The robot Sophia can also perform certain professional functions such as marketing, product promotion, orientation, customer service functions, etc., and there is a vision to develop robots in the future to be smarter and contribute significantly to the business of humans.





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